CounterJihad Europa

Building Networks and Coalitions Against the Islamisation of Europe


This website is now archival, last updated with new content in 2008.  The primary content is links to pdf versions of papers presented at a conference on counterjihad topics, including the conflict between human rights and civil liberties,  and the political and social trends of Islamisation’s imposition of Shariah doctrine in Europe, held in the European Parliament and Flemish Parliament in October 2007.  Those papers can be found here:

And the biographies of the speakers here:

Additional papers were presented at a similar conference in Vienna in May, 2008 – “Defending Civil Liberties in Europe: Free Expression in 2008″ –  initial drafts of which were published online prior to that meeting here:

Further papers presented by at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on similar topics are listed in the related “Brief History of the Transatlantic Counterjihad” found here (Chapter IIIa and III b of the chapters linked below):

Nov 24 Part I, Introduction
25 Part II, Conferences
26 Part III(a), The Transatlantic Counterjihad at the OSCE
27 Part III(b), The Transatlantic Counterjihad at the OSCE (cont.)
28 Part IV, The Rosetta Stone Projects
29 Part V, Official Opposition to the Transatlantic Counterjihad
30 Part VI, Unofficial Opposition to the Counterjihad

Dec 1 VII. Observations and General Conclusions: In the Classical Liberal Tradition: The Transatlantic Counterjihad

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